Inspiration Behind Mana Spring

The idea for Mana Spring began on a game night at a friend’s house. We played Coup—a game that was new to me but instantly resonated with my love for strategy. I loved the idea of gathering tokens to use actions. The bluffing aspect was fun but more than the game itself, it was the rare joy of spending quality time with friends, something we all crave but often don’t get enough of.

Over the next few days, the spark from that night ignited my imagination. I spent hours and hours constantly thinking game ideas and mechanics of what kind of awesome game i’d like to play with my friends and if I could even atempt to make it.

Being a passionate fan of fantasy worlds from the likes of Tolkien and Sanderson, and games like Magic: The Gathering, as well as my childhood memories of Warcraft, I was driven to blend these influences into my own creation. The idea of hero mages from all over the world battling for control over a newly discovered spring brimming with limitless magical energy seemed so awesome to me.

One of the core concepts that emerged was “Overloading”—the risk of absorbing too much mana. This mechanic turned out to be a major draw for my friends and players, adding a unique strategic layer to the game.

I quickly got to work forming my ideas on paper and I haven’t stopped working on the game yet.

At its heart, Mana Spring is a tribute to the simple joy of playing games and swapping ideas with friends and the excitement of creating something new. It’s about capturing that sense of fun and sharing it with others who love games as much as you do.


Dev Update: Expanding Playtesting for Mana Spring!